Enum for possible actions to be binded to hotkeys. It reflects values of corresponding C++ Aspect_VKeyBasic enumeration defined by OCCT.

Enumeration Members

NavBackward: 125
NavCrouch: 136
NavForward: 124
NavInteract: 123

Navigation Actions

NavJump: 137
NavLookDown: 135
NavLookLeft: 132
NavLookRight: 133
NavLookUp: 134
NavRollCCW: 130
NavRollCW: 131
NavSlideDown: 129
NavSlideLeft: 126
NavSlideRight: 127
NavSlideUp: 128
NavSpeedDecrease: 142
NavSpeedIncrease: 141
NavThrustBackward: 139
NavThrustForward: 138
NavThrustStop: 140
ViewAxoLeftProj: 112
ViewAxoRightProj: 113
ViewBack: 111
ViewBottom: 107
ViewFitAll: 114
ViewFront: 110
ViewLeft: 108
ViewRight: 109
ViewRoll90CCW: 116
ViewRoll90CW: 115
ViewSwitchRotate: 117
ViewTop: 106

View Actions