Clipping plane controller is a global object accessible via OccViewer.ClippingPlane, responsible for managing clipping parameters.

This class exposes properties of C++ class Graphic3d_ClipPlane defined by OCCT.

interface ClippingPlane {
    clipPlaneSequence: string;
    id: string;
    isAutoUpdateBbox: boolean;
    isCapping: boolean;
    isEnabled: boolean;
    isInteractive: boolean;
    isRelative: boolean;
    isVisualizationOnly: boolean;
    maxAxisPosition: number;
    minAxisPosition: number;
    normal: WasmVector3d;
    objects: string;
    offset: number;
    origin: WasmVector3d;
    setClipPlaneSequence: (
        thePlaneSequenceIds: string,
        theOrPlaneSequence: string,
    ) => void;
    sliceCount: number;
    sliceNb: number;
    sliceSize: number;
    updateBoundingBox: () => void;


clipPlaneSequence: string

Get the list of clipping plane sequence ids.

id: string

Id of current clipping plane

isAutoUpdateBbox: boolean


isCapping: boolean

Capping enabled/disabled state.

isEnabled: boolean

Clipping plane enabled state.

isInteractive: boolean

Clipping plane interactivity state.

isRelative: boolean

Flag signals that origin will depend on AABB size of selected objects e.g (0..1)->(mincorner..maxcorner).

isVisualizationOnly: boolean

Clipping plane is displayed with the clipping option disabled.

maxAxisPosition: number

Maximum clipping plane position coordinate on the plane axis.

minAxisPosition: number

Minimum clipping plane position coordinate on the plane axis.

normal: WasmVector3d

Normal of plane.

objects: string

Apply plane to.

  • '*' all displayed model objects;
  • '' all graphical objects (including ground);
  • objects starting with specified id.
offset: number

Offset of clipping plane on the plane axis.

origin: WasmVector3d

Origin of plane.

setClipPlaneSequence: (
    thePlaneSequenceIds: string,
    theOrPlaneSequence: string,
) => void

Set the list of clipping plane sequence ids.

Type declaration

    • (thePlaneSequenceIds: string, theOrPlaneSequence: string): void
    • Parameters

      • thePlaneSequenceIds: string

        List of clipping plane sequence ids.

      • theOrPlaneSequence: string

      Returns void

sliceCount: number

Number of slices.

sliceNb: number

Current slice number.

sliceSize: number

Slice portion size.

updateBoundingBox: () => void

update bounding box