displayedGet list of displayed objects.
Wrapper around InteractiveContext.displayedObjects
See also OccViewer.UserEvents.onDisplayedObjectsChanged
callback for tracking displayed objects changes.
displayedGet list of displayed objects as single string with '\n' separator.
See also OccViewer.UserEvents.onDisplayedObjectsChanged
callback for tracking displayed objects changes.
Get/set current display mode
erasedGet list of hidden objects.
Wrapper around InteractiveContext.erasedObjects
See also OccViewer.UserEvents.onDisplayedObjectsChanged
callback for tracking displayed objects changes.
erasedGet list of hidden objects as single string with '\n' separator.
See also OccViewer.UserEvents.onDisplayedObjectsChanged
callback for tracking displayed objects changes.
insideGet list of all objects in displayed and erased state. Wrapper around InteractiveContext.insideObjects
insideGet list of all objects in displayed and erased state as single string with '\n' separator.
isGets transparent mode status
Get/set semitransparent hex color string in format #rrggbbaa
Check if object(s) with specified id(s) have been registered (opened) in the viewer.
object name list
return TRUE if object(s) with specified id(s) have been registered (opened) in the viewer. Objects might be in both erased or in displayed states. When list is specified, returns FALSE if at least one of the objects in the list couldn't be found (e.g. all objects should be registered).
Check if geometry of given objects already loaded.
object name list
return true if geometry of object(s) with specified id(s) have been loaded in the viewer. When list is specified, returns FALSE if at least one of the objects in the list don't have loaded geometry (e.g. geometry of all objects should be loaded).
Join string list with ids to single string. The single string of ids are using as input in several methods such as InteractiveContext.areObjectsInside
joined ids string.
Enable transparent mode - display selected objects opaque and unselected semitransparent.
theIsTranspModeOn flag
the list of opaque objects (could be empty)
viewer update flag
Interactive context is a global object accessible via OccViewer.interactiveContext, responsible for managing the list of displayed/hidden objects.
Interactive objects are identified by string identifiers, with assembly items prefixed by their parents' ids. Passing id of a parent node will affect all it's children.
This class has functionality close to C++ class
defined by OCCT.See also subclasses of OccViewer.InteractiveObject for object-oriented interface to this functionality. See also OccViewer.UserEvents
callback for tracking displayed objects changes.