
JT Import-Export Component


The Open CASCADE JT Import-Export SDK provides a comprehensive solution for working with JT format files in Open CASCADE Technology-based applications. This powerful component enables seamless reading, writing, and manipulation of JT data with support for assembly structures, multi-level visualization, and efficient data handling.

Built for engineering applications requiring high-performance visualization and data exchange, this SDK delivers complete JT format compatibility with optimized processing capabilities.

Core Capabilities:

  • Read JT files into JT model structures
  • Write JT models into standard JT files
  • Create, explore and modify JT models programmatically

Based on this SDK, developers can implement advanced JT visualization incorporating Level of Detail (LOD) management, object culling, and multi-threaded processing of parts. Integration services for customer applications are available as an additional option.

Comprehensive Data Support

Data Storage Capabilities

The SDK enables storage and manipulation of:

  • Complete assembly tree structures
  • Mesh representation (triangulation) at multiple Levels Of Detail (LOD)
  • Names, colors and transparency attributes for all JT parts

Advanced Performance Features

  • Late Loading mechanism that defers data loading until required
  • Optimized data compression using JT standard algorithms
  • Parallel processing for accelerated data handling

Technical Features

Format Compatibility

  • Read JT format versions 8.1, 9.5, 10.0, and 10.5
  • Write to JT format versions 8.1, 9.5, and 10.0
  • Convert between different JT format versions

JT Format Support

This SDK implements comprehensive support for JT format structures:

  • LOD representation via “Vertex”, “Tri-Strip Set” and “Primitive Set” elements
  • “Geometric Transform” and “Material” attributes
  • “Late Loaded” and “String” properties
  • PMI information support
  • All node elements except “Switch”
  • Data compression and encoding using all standard JT algorithms (ZLIB and LZMA)

Conversion Tools

The SDK includes powerful conversion utilities that bridge JT and OCAF (Open CASCADE Application Framework):

OCAF to JT Conversion

Transfer complete hierarchy structures including:

  • Names and labels
  • Color attributes
  • Mesh representations

This converter enables seamless transformation of data from other CAD formats (STEP, IGES, DXF, ACIS, Parasolid, etc.) read by corresponding OCCT interfaces into JT format.

JT to OCAF Conversion

Import JT data into OCAF document structures, preserving:

  • Assembly hierarchies
  • Visual attributes
  • Geometric representations

Optional extension available for importing BRep information.

The SDK includes practical examples (Draw commands) demonstrating implementation of these converters.

Business Benefits

  • Enhanced Performance – Faster data reading and reduced file sizes through parallel processing
  • Format Flexibility – Seamless conversion between different versions of JT format
  • Complete Control – Full programmatic access to supported JT structures
  • Integration Simplicity – Convenient exchange between JT data and OCAF documents
  • Cost-Effective Solution – No third-party licenses required
  • Customization Options – Source code licensing available

Technical Configuration

The JT Import-Export SDK is built on the latest version of Open CASCADE Technology and requires no additional external software. It’s available across all platforms supported by the corresponding OCCT version.

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