Represents object properties managed by PropertyManager.

interface ObjectProperties {
    boundingBox: BndBox;
    color: string;
    displayed: boolean;
    displayMode: DisplayMode;
    hasCustomMaterial: boolean;
    isSelectable: boolean;
    metallic: number;
    object: string;
    position: WasmVector3d;
    rotation: WasmVector4d;
    roughness: number;
    scale: number;


boundingBox: BndBox

Bounding box.

color: string

Custom material color in #rrggbbaa format.

displayed: boolean

Displayed state.

displayMode: DisplayMode

Display mode.

hasCustomMaterial: boolean

Has custom material or not.

isSelectable: boolean

Selectable state.

metallic: number

Custom material metallic factor 0..1.

object: string

Set object id to update.

position: WasmVector3d

Translation part of object's transformation.

rotation: WasmVector4d

Rotation part of object's transformation defined as quaternion.

roughness: number

Custom material roughness factor 0..1.

scale: number

Scale part of object's transformation.