Provides object property manager interface. Please set PropertyManager.object id which you want to update first. Change properties and finally call PropertyManager.update to apply the changes.

See also OccViewer.InteractiveMesh for object-oriented interface to this functionality.

interface PropertyManager {
    boundingBox: BndBox;
    color: string;
    displayed: boolean;
    displayMode: DisplayMode;
    hasCustomMaterial: boolean;
    isSelectable: boolean;
    metallic: number;
    object: string;
    position: WasmVector3d;
    properties: ObjectProperties[];
    rotation: WasmVector4d;
    roughness: number;
    scale: number;
    transformation: WasmMatrix4d;
    transparency: number;
    move(theVector: WasmVector3d): void;
    rotate(theAxis: WasmVector3d, theAngle: number): void;
        theAxis: WasmVector3d,
        thePoint: WasmVector3d,
        theAngle: number,
    ): void;
    update(): void;


boundingBox: BndBox

Get bounding box.

color: string

Color in #rrggbbaa format.

displayed: boolean


displayMode: DisplayMode

Display mode.

hasCustomMaterial: boolean

Has custom material or not.

isSelectable: boolean

Is Selectable.

metallic: number

Metallic 0..1.

object: string

Set object id to update.

position: WasmVector3d

Get/set translation vector.

properties: ObjectProperties[]

Get/set properties array of selected objects.

rotation: WasmVector4d

Get/set rotation quaternion get/set.

roughness: number

Roughness 0..1.

scale: number

Scale factor.

transformation: WasmMatrix4d

Transformation matrix.

transparency: number

Transparency 0..1.


  • Rotate object around provided axis and angle


    Returns void

  • rotate object around point by provided axis and angle


    Returns void

  • Update selected objects.

    Returns void