Bug Corrections And Improvements

We fix the issues with our software to let you run your development smoothly.

With the option of bug corrections and improvements, you may order a correction of a particular problem that blocks development based on Open CASCADE Technology. You may decide to use this option when a work-around is not available, or the most efficient solution is preferable.

Corrections of all submitted problems from all our clients, as well as from our internal R&D projects, are collected and delivered within the nearest release. Thus every our customer benefits not only from fixes of its own problems but also from all fixes and improvements made for other customers and projects.

Upon getting a bug correction or improvement request from you in the frames of a Helpdesk query, a Helpdesk representative will check that the description you provided is sufficient (scenario, data, OS, etc.), and will ask you to supply missing data, if needed. As soon as the problem is reproduced or the improvement request is understood, the Helpdesk representative provides you a unique ID under which the request (a bug or an improvement) has been registered in the global tracking tool of OPEN CASCADE. Later on, you may contact the Helpdesk representative to consult on the progress of your registered request using that ID.

Moreover, the Release Notes accompanying every Open CASCADE Technology release include an exhaustive enumeration of all corrections made therein. Thus, you can easily find out whether your problem has been completely fixed, by its ID.

Correction of a problem or implementation of an improvement can be started upon reaching mutual agreement on the cost of the estimated work, in terms of units of «A la carte» support program. This work includes not only debugging and modification of the source code but also involves all certification tasks and, if needed, building the binaries. The certification tasks include enriching existing database with a new test case, making source code portable and running non-regression tests on all supported platforms. Such quality assurance approach will guarantee the problem will not appear in the future versions of Open CASCADE Technology. In addition, the majority of corrections result in further updates of technical documentation. This ensures on-going quality growth of the product delivered in every release.

Upon completion of a bug correction or improvement, you receive the modified source files of Open CASCADE Technology and, if needed, the pre-built binaries for the supported platforms of your choice.

Bug corrections and improvements are only available as an option within support programs.

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